Gigantic Soapbox Rant Commences
Just be warned I just saw this on CNN.Com – Commentary: Why we need an obesity tax by New York Governor David Paterson Let’s just say the screaming and ripping out of hair commenced when I read parts...
View ArticleToday’s Post is Sponsored by the phrase “Customer Service”
Can you say, “Customer Service”? I knew you could. NOT!!! Right. Customer Service is a dying art. In the fairy tale past companies took care of their customers because they knew customers kept their...
View Article[Writer Post] Warning: Snarky Rant in Progress
I know it’s Thanksgiving and I should be writing about all the lovely writerly things I’m thankful for – for which there are many this year (as with every year). I should do that. I’m not. In fact,...
View Article[Writer Post] Why This PC Girl May Go Mac
Over the last few years, whenever I had a computer issue, I prefaced it with “If your answer is Get a Mac, please stop.” Well, guys, you might just get your wish. This PC Girl may just be going Mac...
View Article[Writer Post] Twas a Ranty Wednesday Before Christmas
Hello Wednesday. Nice of you to drop by – keep the camel droppings to a minimum, would ya? And it does seem to be kind of that day. Finally getting Christmas in full swing, this one is a bit chaotic...
View Article[Writer Post] The B&N NOOK Customer Service Story
I owe you guys a rant. I was going to go on about the fact I have THREE SHOWS IN FIVE WEEKS starting, um, this weekend. GAH! Who scheduled that? Oh…wait… If you have the time, come see me on Sunday,...
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